Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I work in a courtroom at least twice a week and see everything from the ridiculous to the sublime. People guilty as sin let go and good people getting the "book thrown at them" when it shouldn't be. The same repeat offenders getting away with the same thing over and over. It makes no sense and I find it hard to have sympathy for them! Children.. and I mean young children being brought in for adult crimes. Judges sometime are too harsh and sometimes too soft. Where is the line drawn? It's an endless cycle that sees no end. It's hard not to bring it home, but sometimes I do. I've fought back laughter, tears, stress, and anger all in a few hours time. Still, I feel our justice system here needs many changes. I'm more for the rights of victims and not criminals. They didn't care about the rights of the others when they committed their crimes. I hope that eventually enough people will speak out and get laws changed for the better. I know crime will never be fully defeated, but at least there could be a chance to have better justice in the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gina, do you mind I post again? I swear I am not stalking you! haha
I deal with teens , some of them are criminals, it is complicated, because you watch them grow to be worse. You try and try and achieve little. The enviroment they are in is too heavy to be overpowered. Still you can't help but care for them .
They need to be punished in a fair way to learn they can't do wrong things, and I agree with that,but it doesn't seem to work either. They come out of jail even worse.
Only making the families take charge of their children's needs will change this world. Take care !